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Even though the first day of school is fast approaching, there’s technically still another month of summer!  We want to help you soak up the last days of the season, so we’ve compiled a Summer Bucket List full of activities.

What exactly is a bucket list?  Short Answer: it’s a list of things you’d like to achieve.  This can help to overcome boredom that often arises with children, especially over the summer, and empower them to make or plan their own fun in the future!

It’s easy to get caught up in back-to-school planning as summer starts winding down and the first day back to school looms on the horizon.  We don’t want that to stop you from squeezing in a few more summer activities, so here are some classics to try:

Backyard Transformation:

Create a Treasure Hunt; Camp out and make s’mores; Plant a Garden; Host a Drive-In Movie Night

Water Activities:

Play Water Balloon Games; Make Bubble Art; Set up Sprinklers; Have a Water Gun fight

Host a Family Night:

Play your favorite games; Have a Dance Party; Make Handprint Suncatchers

Take a Day Trip:

Visit your local Library; Visit your neighborhood park; Trip to the Drive-In; Local Hiking Trail 

We hope you find these ideas to be helpful with getting through the last couple weeks of summer.  We’d love to know what activities were on your Summer Bucket List!

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