Ages 3 to around 5 years old
The Blossoms program is designed to nurture your child’s early academic, social-emotional, and creative skills until they transition into kindergarten. It’s designed to nurture your child’s early academic, social-emotional, and creative skills.

The Blossoms 1 classroom serves students from approximately 3–4 years of age. Children in our preschool center are grouped based on their kindergarten group of peers. This classroom is arranged with six learning centers that students learn to check-in and check-out of to encourage taking turns and assist in selecting a variety of learning experiences.
Each Blossoms 1 student is assigned his or her own cot for naptime. Naptime is approximately 90 minutes, with a quiet activity provided to students who do not fall asleep after a period of time. At this stage, children are asked to bring a lunch box each day with an ice pack to keep perishable items fresh. Because we make frequent trips to the restroom, shoes are kept on during the day.
This program continues year-round. During the summer the group shifts to our fun and educational summer camp program. Our students become scientists, artists, and chefs as we explore a new theme each week! A highlight of the summer is building their own garden of fruits and vegetables in the playground.
The Blossoms 2 classroom serves children from approximately 4-5 years of age. Children in our preschool center are grouped based on their kindergarten group of peers. This classroom is arranged with seven learning centers that students learn to check-in and check-out of to encourage taking turns and assist in selecting a variety of learning experiences.
Each Blossoms 2 student is assigned his or her own mat for rest time. Students rest for 1 hour in this classroom. All students are encouraged to lay quietly for the first 30 minutes of rest time and a quiet activity (books or puzzles) is provided for students who do not need to sleep.

The Blossoms classroom uses stations to offer your child a variety of experiences throughout the day. Each station is designed using different curriculum pieces. Curriculum in this program is rewritten each year to ensure that the individual needs of the currently enrolled children in the classroom are being met. We feel that there isn’t one curriculum that “covers it all” for our kids and so we like to use pieces from a few.
This room is filled with child created masterpieces! Art is a large piece of the daily curriculum in this space because it gives your child the opportunity to express what is uniquely their own. We truly believe that it is the process of creating art that is important, not the end result.
A time for exploration! Young children love to discover new things and we incorporate activities to help them do just that. Our young scientists explore different areas of science including chemistry, physics, biology, and many more!
Learning about numbers, shapes and colors is something that begins early on in our programs. Math concepts are also taught through everyday activities such as counting friends at circle time or lining up toys in size order.
Reading and writing is a part of everyday life and by introducing these concepts at an early age we believe it will help promote positive literacy experiences later on in life.
Running, jumping, skipping and hopping! We spend as much time in the fresh air as possible!
Personal care routines are learned in the classroom each day. Your child will learn about the dentist, how to put on their own coat and how to tie their shoes. In the summer months, the preschoolers have a garden they take care of in the playground.
Music is a great way for young children to express themselves. Children in this program recite songs and poems and a soft choice of music is played during their rest period.
Fine motor skills are important for everyday use such as tying your shoes or turning a door handle. Activities in this station may include lacing beads or cutting with scissors.
Our preschoolers begin to build a foundation of future reading skills by being immersed in literacy. Students are involved in making their own books, celebrate authors and illustrators, and have access to a large array of books to explore on their own. In addition, the class is involved in large-group and small-group story time each day.
Writing skills are developed by allowing students to develop their fine-motor skills and by having access to materials to practice pre-writing.
Our Creative Curriculum
This comprehensive curriculum features exploration and discovery to help children learn. We enable young students to develop confidence, creativity, and lifelong critical thinking skills to fuel each child’s success.
2024 Graduation Day!